Books by Christadelphians

1st Principles Bible Marking Course

$15.00 $16.50 incl. GST
$15.00 excl. GST

2 Corinthians

$4.00 $4.40 incl. GST
$4.00 excl. GST

30 Day Fruit Challenge

$10.50 $11.55 incl. GST
$10.50 excl. GST

A Declaration of the Truth Revealed in the...

$6.00 $6.60 incl. GST
$6.00 excl. GST

A Life of Jesus

$28.00 $30.80 incl. GST
$28.00 excl. GST

A Light to the Gentiles

$23.00 $25.30 incl. GST
$23.00 excl. GST

A Mind Like His: Transforming our thinking...

$21.00 $23.10 incl. GST
$21.00 excl. GST

A More Sure Word of Prophecy

$5.00 $5.50 incl. GST
$5.00 excl. GST

A Review of "What's So Amazing about Grace?"

$4.00   $3.00 $3.30 incl. GST
$3.00 excl. GST

A Sound Mind

$15.00 $16.50 incl. GST
$15.00 excl. GST

A Time to Act - the 4th book in the A Time...

$26.00 $28.60 incl. GST
$26.00 excl. GST

A Time to Hear - the 1st book in the Time ...

$27.00 $29.70 incl. GST
$27.00 excl. GST

A Time to See - the 2nd book in the Time t...

$29.00 $31.90 incl. GST
$29.00 excl. GST

A Time to Serve - the 6th book in the A Ti...

$20.00 $22.00 incl. GST
$20.00 excl. GST

A Time to Speak - the 3rd book in the A T...

$36.00 $39.60 incl. GST
$36.00 excl. GST

A Time to Strive - the 5th book in the Tim...

$26.00 $28.60 incl. GST
$26.00 excl. GST

A Word for the Ambassadors for Christ

$10.50 $11.55 incl. GST
$10.50 excl. GST

Abraham and Sarah - Heirs Together

$20.00 $22.00 incl. GST
$20.00 excl. GST

Abraham the Friend of God

$15.00 $16.50 incl. GST
$15.00 excl. GST

Amos - Then & Now

$20.00 $22.00 incl. GST
$20.00 excl. GST

An A-Z of Discipleship

$20.00 $22.00 incl. GST
$20.00 excl. GST

An Invitation to Forever

$15.00 $16.50 incl. GST
$15.00 excl. GST

As dying, and behold, we live" The Merz br...

$10.50 $11.55 incl. GST
$10.50 excl. GST

As We Grow Older - Letters to the Middle A...

$15.00 $16.50 incl. GST
$15.00 excl. GST

At the Breaking of Bread (used)

$9.00 $9.90 incl. GST
$9.00 excl. GST

At the Citadel in Susa

$22.00 $24.20 incl. GST
$22.00 excl. GST

Back to the Bible

$12.00 $13.20 incl. GST
$12.00 excl. GST

Be ye Doers of the Word

$11.00 $12.10 incl. GST
$11.00 excl. GST

Beginning at Jerusalem

$44.00 $48.40 incl. GST
$44.00 excl. GST

Bible Prophecy & the Middle East

$4.00   $3.00 $3.30 incl. GST
$3.00 excl. GST

Bible Study for Beginners

$10.50 $11.55 incl. GST
$10.50 excl. GST

Brethren in Christ

$10.50 $11.55 incl. GST
$10.50 excl. GST

Building a Library

$16.00 $17.60 incl. GST
$16.00 excl. GST

Built Upon a Rock

$24.00 $26.40 incl. GST
$24.00 excl. GST

Centuries of Persecution - The Catholic Ch...

$15.00 $16.50 incl. GST
$15.00 excl. GST

Choosing to Love

$16.00 $17.60 incl. GST
$16.00 excl. GST

Christ and Caesar

$9.00 $9.90 incl. GST
$9.00 excl. GST

Christendom Astray (2021 edition)

$27.00 $29.70 incl. GST
$27.00 excl. GST

Chronicles of the Kings

$25.00 $27.50 incl. GST
$25.00 excl. GST

Chronikon Hebraikon

$3.00 $3.30 incl. GST
$3.00 excl. GST

Comfort of the Scriptures

$22.00 $24.20 incl. GST
$22.00 excl. GST

Conscience in Action with CD of interview ...

$10.50 $11.55 incl. GST
$10.50 excl. GST

Conscientious Objection to Military Service

$7.00 $7.70 incl. GST
$7.00 excl. GST

Conviction and Conduct - The faith that works

$18.00 $19.80 incl. GST
$18.00 excl. GST

Coping with Bereavement

$5.00 $5.50 incl. GST
$5.00 excl. GST

Cornelia's Story - an historical novel

$11.00 $12.10 incl. GST
$11.00 excl. GST

Creation or Evolution?

$6.00 $6.60 incl. GST
$6.00 excl. GST

Creation, Evolution & Science

$11.00 $12.10 incl. GST
$11.00 excl. GST

Cry of the Prophets - Tarshish in Bible Pr...

$6.50 $7.15 incl. GST
$6.50 excl. GST

Daniel - a brief illustrated exposition

$5.00 $5.50 incl. GST
$5.00 excl. GST

Daniel Study Guide

$20.00 $22.00 incl. GST
$20.00 excl. GST

Dare any of you ... go to law?"

$6.00 $6.60 incl. GST
$6.00 excl. GST

Delight in God's Law

$28.00   $12.00 $13.20 incl. GST
$12.00 excl. GST

Demon Possession

$3.00 $3.30 incl. GST
$3.00 excl. GST

Deuteronomy for Disciples

$23.00 $25.30 incl. GST
$23.00 excl. GST

Diary of a Preaching Tour to Western Austr...

$15.00   $11.00 $12.10 incl. GST
$11.00 excl. GST

Diary of a Second Voyage to Australia and ...

$18.00   $14.00 $15.40 incl. GST
$14.00 excl. GST

Diary of a Voyage to Australia, New Zealan...

$25.00 $27.50 incl. GST
$25.00 excl. GST

Do All to the Glory of God

$3.00 $3.30 incl. GST
$3.00 excl. GST

Dr. Thomas: His Life and Work

$29.00 $31.90 incl. GST
$29.00 excl. GST

Early Christadelphian families in Country ...

$13.00   $5.00 $5.50 incl. GST
$5.00 excl. GST

Ecclesiastes and Other Studies

$20.00 $22.00 incl. GST
$20.00 excl. GST

Ecclesiastes and other studies (used)

$6.36 $7.00 incl. GST
$6.36 excl. GST

Edom in Bible Prophecy

$12.00 $13.20 incl. GST
$12.00 excl. GST
