Author Don Pearce. 100 pages, soft cover. Published by the Christadelphian Scripture Study Service in February 2018, God Willing. This is the 41st annual review of world events and fulfilling Bible prophecy. Copies of ealier reviews can be ordered on this website.
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Read Brian Luke's preface to the book.
The structure of this year’s Milestones
1) Chapter 1 is an introduction which can be read below. Chapter 2 is a look at the events of 35 years ago as recorded in Milestones 1982. Why 35 years? Simply because this looking-back section started in Milestones 2012 and went back to the first issue, Milestones 1977, thirty five years previously.
2) Milestones then divides into six two-part sections. The first chapter of each section shows us the scriptural basis for our expectations. We then see in the second chapter of that section how the events of 2017 have illustrated these expectations.
3) The six sections are:
Part 1 The False prophet – Rome the key to Bible Prophecy
Part 2 The Russian Dragon moving towards Israel
Part 3 The European Beast in a post-Brexit world
Part 4 Israel and Sheba and Dedan – a growing friendship
Part 5 Brexit Britain charts new destinations, working with her
young lions
Part 6 Drawing the nations to Armageddon – an exhortation to
Chapter one - Introduction
The request to give a 6-part Milestones update at the Ontario Bible School in December 2017, gave the opportunity for a more in-depth presentation compared with my normal one or two-part talks. I normally keep the end of the year free for the task of compiling Milestones. A helpful suggestion that these talks could be used as the basis for this year’s Milestones was readily taken up. This 41st edition is therefore somewhat different in that it incorporates much of the material and slides used at the Bible School.
Every year seems to speed up the number of happenings which are confirming the broad pattern that we have historically seen concerning events at the time of our Master’s return. Where-ever we look, we are witnessing great changes, whether in the militaristic outlook of Russia; the development of a European Beast system; Britain’s latter-day role as a world-wide trading power; Israel’s friendship with southern Arab nations; or Church and State relationships in Europe and Russia. We are amazed at the number of events that show that real changes are afoot and follow the pattern portrayed by God in His Word. If we need faith-strengthening evidence of the Hand of God in the Kingdom of Men, there surely is no lack of signs! One personal measure is the number of Snippets that I glean from the world news. The number of articles has grown by about 25% compared to last year. Only a fraction are ever used to write Milestones so there is no shortage of material. What is so encouraging is that all these events are happening side by side. We can but marvel at the angelic work which must be taking place behind the scenes to bring about the situation we are witnessing. Yet sadly the world has no inkling of these things. Sadder still is when our own brothers and sisters are so engrossed in everyday living that they too fail to see their significance. Many are disillusioned as the things that were promised under the “new” interpretations of prophecy that were so prevalent twenty, thirty, fifty years ago, have not been borne out in practice. Our historic understanding has stood the test of time, despite periods when they seemed impossible. Yet time has shown that what looked a backward step, turned out to be a necessary step in the longer-than-expected time of opportunity for salvation. We must humbly accept that God is working to His timetable and the Master will appear at the appointed hour.
We can see that there is much more development required to re-establish the Beast system in Western Europe, but we marvel at how rapidly changes can be established as shown in the speed at which Russia has rebuilt itself, following the fall of Communism in 1991. If the Master returns well before the nations invade Israel, then we can appreciate that indeed the Master can be here at any moment and our lives changed for ever, while the final developments of the nations take place.